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Carter, A. 2020
UBC Press

Winner of the 2021 Donald Smiley Prize for the best book published in English or French in a field relating to the study of government and politics in Canada, awarded by the Canadian Political Science Association.

Sample reviews:

Literary Review of Canada

The Independent


* publications with PhD and MA students


Phase Out or Lock In Fossil Fuels?: Least Developed Countries’ Burning Dilemma

*Saha, C. and A. Carter. 2022. Extractive Industries and Society.

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Stepping stones to keep fossil fuels in the ground: Insights for a global wind down from Ireland

* McKenzie, J. and A. Carter 2021. Extractive Industries and Society.

Marine conservation versus offshore oil and gas extraction: Reconciling an intensifying dilemma in Atlantic Canada

* Kapoor, A., G. Fraser, and A. Carter. 2021. The Extractive Industries and Society. 

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From Planetary to Societal Boundaries: An Argument for Collectively Defined Self-Limitation

Brand, U., B. Muraca, É. Pineault, M. Sahakian, A. Schaffartzik, A. Novy, C. Streissler, H. Haberl, V. Asara, K. Dietz, M. Lang, A. Kothari, T. Smith, C. Spash, A. Brad, M. Pichler, C. Plank, G. Velegrakis, T. Jahn, A. Carter, Q. Huan, G. Kallis, J. Martínez Alier, G. Riva, V. Satgar, E. Teran Mantovani, M. Williams, M. Wissen, and C. Görg. 2021. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. 17:1, 265-292, 

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Amplifying ‘Keep It in the Ground’ First-Movers: Toward a Comparative Framework

* Carter A. and J. McKenzie. 2020. Society and Natural Resources. 33(11), pp. 1339-58. 

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Northern Gateway Pipeline: Seeking Consensus is a Slippery Business

* Thistlethwaite, J., M. Wood, T. Dordi, and A. Carter. 2019. SAGE Business Cases, 26pp. 


Policy Responses to the Climate Crisis in Canada’s Petro-Provinces: Varieties of Carbon Entrenchment

Carter, A. 2018. Studies in Political Economy. 99(2), pp. 151-174. 


Environmental Policy Convergence in Canada’s Fossil Fuel Provinces? Regulatory Streamlining, Impediments, and Drift 

Carter, A., G. Fraser, and A. Zalik. 2017. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques. 43(1), pp. 61- 76. 

Western Newfoundland’s Anti-Fracking Campaign: Exploring the Rise of Unexpected Community Mobilization

* Carter, A. and L. Fusco. 2017. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 12(1), pp. 98-120.

Toward an Anti-Fracking Mobilization Toolkit: Ten Practices from Western Newfoundland’s Campaign 

* Fusco, L. and A. Carter. 2017. Interface. 9(2), pp. 276-99.


Subnational Responses to Fracking in Canada: Explaining Saskatchewan’s ‘Wild West’ Regulatory Approach

Carter, A., and E. Eaton. 2016. Review of Policy Research. 33(4): pp. 393-419.

Numerical Simulations of the Spread of Floating Passive Tracer Released at the Old Harry Prospect

Bourgault, D., F. Cyr, D. Dumont and A. Carter. 2014. Environmental Research Letters 9. pp. 1-14.


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However the Pandemic Unfolds, It’s Time for Oil Use to Peak—and Society to Prepare for the Fallout

* Strauch, Y., A. Carter, and T. Homer-Dixon. 2020. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 76(5): 238-243. 


Keep It in the Ground

Carter, A. Forthcoming.

In Energized: Keywords for a New Politics of Energy and Environment, I. Szeman and J. Wenzel (eds.). Morgantown: West Virginia University Press.


Keeping Oil in the Soil: National Bans on Oil Extraction as the Future of Global Climate Policy?

*Norton, S. and A. Carter. 2023.

In Extractive Bargains: States, Resources and the Elusive Search for Consensus, P. Bowles and N. Andrews (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Megaprojects and Community Power: Tensions in Atlantic Canada’s Energy Transition

Haley, B, A. Carter, M. Adams, and N. Mercer. 2023.

In Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada, M. Winfield, S. Hill, and J. Gaede, (eds.). Vancouver: UBC Press.

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Canadian Ecological Political Economy

Carter, A. 2020.

In H. Whiteside (ed.) Canadian Political Economy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 103-20.


Engaging the Public to Avert the Risks of Oil Dependency

Carter, A. 2017.

In The Democracy Cookbook: Recipes to Renew Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador, A. Marland and L. Moore (eds.). St. John’s: ISER Books. 314-17.

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The Petro-Politics of Environmental Regulation in the Tar Sands

Carter, A. 2016.

In First World Petro-Politics: The Political Ecology and Governance of Alberta, L. Adkin (ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 152-89.

Fossil Capitalism and the Rentier State: Towards a Political Ecology of Alberta’s Oil Economy

Carter, A., and A. Zalik. 2016.

In First World Petro-Politics: The Political Ecology and Governance of Alberta, L. Adkin (ed). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 51-77.

Social Movements Scaling Up: Strategies and Opportunities in Opposing the Oil Sands Status Quo

Haluza-DeLay, R. and A. Carter. 2016.

In First World Petro-Politics: The Political Ecology and Governance of Alberta, L. Adkin (ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 456-98.

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Environmental Policy and Politics: The Case of Oil

Carter, A. 2016.

In Canadian Environmental Policy and Politics: The Challenges of Austerity and Ambivalence (4th Ed.), D. VanNijnatten (ed.). Don Mills: Oxford University Press. 292-306.

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Petro-Capitalism and the Tar Sands

Carter, A. 2014.

In A Line in the Tar Sands: Struggles for Environmental Justice, T. Black, S. D'Arcy, T. Weis and J. Russell (eds.). Toronto: Between the Lines. 23-35.

The Political Economy of the Labour Market in Newfoundland and Labrador

Peters, J., A. Carter, and S. Cadigan, S. 2014.

In First Among Unequals: The Premier, Politics, and Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador, A. Marland and M. Kerby (eds.). Montréal: McGill-Queen's UP. 247-64.

Joining Up and Scaling Up: Analyzing Resistance to Canada’s ‘Dirty Oil’

Haluza-Delay, R., and A. Carter. 2014.

In Activist Science and Technology Education, L. Bencze and S. Alsop (eds.). Springer Netherlands. 343-62.

Securing Alberta's Tar Sands: Resistance and Criminalization on a New Energy Frontier

Le Billon, P., and A. Carter. 2012.

In Natural Resources and Social Conflict: Towards Critical Environmental Security, M. Schnurr & L. Swatuk (eds.). London: Palgrave MacMillan. 170-92.


(e.g., articles in professional journals and reviews)


Setting the Pace: The Economic Case for Managing the Decline of Oil and Gas Production in Canada

Dusyk, N., Cosbey, A., Carter, A., Christensen, L., Cameron, L., and Norton, S. 2023. International Institute for Sustainable Development.


Mapping Fossil Fuel Lock-In and Contestation in Eastern Canada

Brooks, D., Carter, A., Eaton, E., Pineault, É., Sapinksi, J.P. 2023. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)-British Columbia and the Corporate Mapping Project.


Why the Cost of Carbon Capture and Storage Remains Persistently High

Cameron, L., A. Carter, and K. Sievert. 2023. International Institute for Sustainable Development.


Why Carbon Capture and Storage Is Not a Net-Zero Solution for Canada’s Oil and Gas Sector

Cameron, L., and Carter, A. 2023. International Institute for Sustainable Development.


The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for Canada

Hackett, F., C. Pétrin-Desrosiers, D. McGregor, C. Buse, C. Howard, A. Chisholm, and A. Carter. 2021. Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change, Canadian Medical Association, and Canadian Public Health Association.


Review of Costly Fix: Power, Politics and Nature in the Tar Sands

Carter, A. 2019. A review of "Costly Fix: Power, Polictics and Nature in the Tar Sands" by Ian Urquhart in Alberta Views September, p. 57.


Saskatchewan’s ‘Wild West’ Approach to Fracking

Carter, A., and E. Eaton. 2016. CCPA Monitor 23(3), pp. 20-24.

Extracting Stories of Resistance

Carter, A. 2015. A review of P. Bowles and H. Veltmeyer (eds.) The Answer Is Still No. CCPA Monitor 21(9), p. 33.

Oil and Gas Exploitation in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence: What Role for Government and University Researchers?

Bourgault, D., D. Dumont, F. Cyr, and A. Carter. 2014. CMOS Bulletin SCMO 42(1), pp. 30-32.

A Framework for Effective Environmental Regulation in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Offshore Oil and Gas Sector: Applying Lessons from the Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry

Carter, A. and G. S. Fraser. 2011. Submitted to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Government of Canada, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, and the Commissioner of the Inquiry into Matters Respecting Helicopter Passenger Safety for Workers in the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area, Jan 20.

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